Have more questions?

You get to feel better without spending 789 hours in counseling.

You get to just try and see if it’s a good fit, and then what if it is? What if this ends up being the best goddamn thing you ever f*cking did for yourself?

What if instead of talking yourself out of that phone call because it’s too expensive and you don’t have time for this, you talk to yourself into just seeing if these worries are even true? You pick up the phone, we have our super short consultation, and then you can feel good because you were right, or you can feel good because you finally found your dream therapist and are pumped to get started. It sounds like a win-win to me…

You don’t think it’s going to be a good fit. We’re just going to be another stuffy, pant suit-wearing, too big of glasses, giving too many worksheets, kind of therapist… I think by now you already know that THAT is NOT us.

You might even have a worksheet or two to give us.

We aren’t going to make you do counseling with us like your parents made you eat broccoli. But, if you feel like we are just way too corny for you and just not the sprinkles to your cupcake – then we will do what we can to help you find that!

Because this is about your bliss, and the more people who can get to their genuine bliss, the better this world will be.

We are already eager to meet you!

EMAIL: amyv@sbirch.org

TEXT/CALL: (612) 812 - 8470

FAX: (218) - 585 - 1586