Silver Birch Therapy PLLC

Originated in Cloquet, MN.

In case you wanted the inside scoop.

Silver Birch Therapy PLLC was born April 2018 and initially was a single therapist practice by Amy Vredenburgh, MA, LMFT. Silver Birch Therapy started by providing services in the Gateway Clinic of Moose Lake, Minnesota as well as the Raiter Clinic of Cloquet, Minnestoa until establishing a central location in Cloquet.

Now Silver Birch Therapy PLLC has several eager therapists who are pumped to work with you. We offer specialized services anywhere in North Dakota and Minnesota. Silver Birch Therapy PLLC is solely virtual, making it so you can do therapy from your pajamas at home, so you and your partner can be in two different locations, and so your cat be perched on your shoulder, secretly judging your therapist.

We are already eagerly staring at our inbox, waiting for your arrival.