Couples Therapy

Virtual and online, anywhere in Minnesota and North Dakota.

Finally heal your relationship with…

50 minute sessions

Intensives 2 to 5 hours

Learn more about our 1 and 2 day couples retreats and our couple’s boost sessions.

You didn’t want to be one of THOSE couples.

You know… the ones in therapy together? But you’re at your last straw and are running on empty. So, here you are.

Even though you convinced your partner that this would help, you probably still feel doubtful… or like a complete failure. This seems like the only option left.

So many worries and thoughts are going through your mind…

…and probably your partners, too):

What if they throw me under the bus?

Will they put all my dirty laundry out there, making me feel even more like a failure?

What if they pick sides, and I feel totally ganged up on?

Is this going to feel even more like my fault than it already feels?

You feel you were right because the first session is awful… and feels like shit.

Fair enough. Sessions can be rough in the beginning. They’re painful and frustrating, and you just want to walk out. Well, rather, you sometimes want to hit the “End Session” button.

But eventually, things start to feel sorted out, like a storm is clearing.

Each session feels better and better because your partner is listening to you more, and you finally feel you understand them.

Your relationship is finally stronger.

You finally got that fight at Uncle Bill’s birthday party cleared up… and even got an apology!

Your sex life is feeling lit (yeah, we know some New Age lingo).

Your relationship is stronger.

Most of your fights have turned into “discussions with resolutions.”

You both are even belly-laughing more!

That painful past of a relationship is finally finding calm waters, and you are floating in a relationship that you always knew was possible. Finally.

Intensives for Couples

“What?! Are my 50 minutes up already?”

Your kids are upstairs, occupied by “Frozen” for the umpteenth time as you sit together in the basement and stare at your virtual therapist.

You’re just getting into the meat of why you think your relationship is a shit show and headed for Doomsville when your therapist says, “Well, we have about five minutes left. Anything else you would like to share before we review homework for the week?”

All you can think is, “I got my game face, helmet, and shield on for this? For 50 minutes?”

And really, you need 26,000 hours to sift through all this muck.

Here’s the gist of “intensives” and why they can accelerate your healing.

For couples, 50 minutes (sometimes even 1 hour and 20 minutes) can be gone in the blink of an eye. There are three people in the session, and there is a lot to be said, heard, and practiced.

Intensives help you get to where you want to go…sooner. Here’s the difference between weekly 50-minute sessions and 2- to-5-hour intensives…

Imagine you were hiking on a 10-mile trail and were pumped up about reaching your destination (because it’s going to be epic, right?). Fifty-minute sessions are similar to stopping every 15 minutes for a break: The distance you cover (progress) comes in small doses.

Intensives are like stopping every few miles. The distance you cover, the progress you make, is going to feel more “right now” and more “in your face.”

Both standard therapy sessions and intensives are effective ways of healing your relationship; they just create different experiences.

Finally feeling even 50% ready to be one of those couples that’s terrified…

…but on a mission to have a brag-worthy relationship?